Saturday, January 21, 2012

Do you make New Year's Resolutions?  I don't really make resolutions, but I always have goals and dreams floating around in my head.  This year, on New Years day, I was making lists.  A list of books I must read this year, a list of goals, and things to change.  One of those was to start this blog.  I have dreamed of writing books, and blogging for years. So, I'm excited!  This blog is still a work in progress, but here it is.  The result of a dream, and setting a goal to make it happen.

I was thrilled that a couple of books on my must read list were listed with Proverbs 31 Ministries as Online Bible studies starting in January.  Another one on my favorite authors, Jill Savage of Hearts at Home was beginning a study of her book Real Moms... Real Jesus on facebook. 

I started two of the studies beginning Jan. 9th, and a 3rd that began Jan. 15th.  I soon began to realize the one I needed the most was Made to Crave.  I also realized that I have limits, and I could not keep up with all three studies.  So, yesterday, I made the hard decision to put the other two on hold for now.

Those other two books are still on my Must Read list for this year, but as Ecclesiastes 3:1 says, "There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens" NIV.

It is healthy to set boundaries!  I am a person who tends to over commit, and then become overwhelmed. 

It is better to do one thing well, than to try to do too many and feel bad because I can't keep up.

How about you? Are you over committed?  Do you need to set some healthy boundaries for yourself? Maybe it's time you look at your schedule and let some things go.  Stop saying yes to everyone else, and say YES to yourself, your family, your peace of mind, and to more time for a relationship with God. 
What are your dreams and goals? What are you passionate about?  Are the things you are pursuing in line with those things?
I'm not suggesting you just drop everything.  Please follow through on your commitments, but reconsider before taking on anymore. 
I would love to hear from you!  Post a comment and let me know if you made resolutions or goals, and how you're doing.   



  1. Read more! I hope to read 2 books each month this for spiritual growth & one related to business. So far I've read "Heaven Is for Real" and absolutely loved it! Now I'm trying to get thru something professional before the end of the month!

    1. Great goals! I've heard that Heaven is for Real is a great one!


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