Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Brooke asked me to make homemade chicken noodle soup yesterday.  I didn't have all of the ingredients on hand, so I told her I'd make it today.  She went to the store for me and picked up the necessary items.  It turned out so good I thought I'd share the recipe with you all. 

Chicken Noodle Soup
Adapted from Trisha Yearwood's Georgia Cooking in an Oklahoma Kitchen cookbook

1 box Reduced Sodium chicken broth
4-5 lb. chicken thighs
3 garlic cloves, minced
1 large sweet onion
1/2 tsp. black pepper
1/2 tsp. dried parsley
2 bay leaves
8 oz. Country Pasta (egg noodles)
3 celery stalks, chopped
1/2 bag baby carrots (or 3 carrots peeled and chopped)

Wash chicken thighs, then place in large stockpot. Pour chicken broth in, then fill the rest of the way with water.  Add garlic, onion, pepper, parsley, and bay leaves.  Bring to boil over high heat, and simmer for 1.5-2 hours or until meat easily comes off the bone.  Remove chicken from pot, placing in large bowl to cool.  Strain the broth into large bowl, and discard onion, bay leaves, etc...

Return broth to pot.  Add noodles, carrots and celery, and bring to a boil.

Meanwhile, when chicken is cool enough,  remove meat from bones.  Discard bones and skin, shredding meat into bite size pieces.  Add chicken to pot with noodles.  Stir.  Cook until pasta and carrots are tender.  Add salt & pepper if desired.  Serve.

Look at the bottom of my page to find a link to Trisha's cookbook.    

If you know me at all, you know that I'm like an open book. I'm real! My family is not perfect, and neither am I, and I don't pretend to be.
So, as I mentioned in my last post, we were faced with some unexpected news when we got home from our little night away.       
I was upstairs working on my computer and Rusty was downstairs.  My 17 year old knocked on my door and asked to come in.  Her boyfriend was with her.  They stood at the end of my bed and acted like they wanted to ask me something or tell me something.  They hesitated.  She looked at him, then he said "Brooke's pregnant".  I laughed and said no she's not!  He said yes, she is.  I'm like yeah, right, you guys are joking!  What do you really want? 
He said Tammy, I'm serious! Brooke started crying!  Then I knew it was true!
I was in shock, but all I could do was get up and hug her.  I told her it would be ok.  She was more worried that we were going to hate her boyfriend than anything. 
They were scared to death!  Mostly scared of telling us!  They had bought a pregnancy test the night we were gone and it was positive.  Brooke wanted to wait, but he (Paul) wanted to do the right thing and make sure that she got to the Doctor and took care of her health.  Thank you Paul! :)
I asked if they wanted to have Rusty come up and tell him, but they were afraid to, so I broke it to him.  I have to tell you, he was sweating!  Are we mad?  No!  Concerned about her future? Yes!  She is still a Junior in high school. 
I told her that we want her to finish school, and that we will be here to support them as much as we can!   I don't believe in abortion, and of course, she's keeping it!  We wouldn't have it any other way, and neither would she!  Are they going to face some obstacles?  Of course!  The first one will be getting through school.
We went to the lab this morning to confirm, and set up an appt. for her first visit with a Dr. As of right now, the due date is Sept. 19th.  By the end of this school year, she will definitely be showing.  She told several friends today, and most were shocked, but supportive and congratulated  her.  Only one said she ruined her life and should get an abortion. 
So, even if she finishes this school year at public school, we are not sure how next year will work out.  I'd love for her to be able to graduate with her class.  I don't want her to have regrets and feel like she missed that.  However, she may have to miss too much school to be able to keep up. 
It's still all new, and though it's exciting, there is a lot to think about.  I'm prepared to help in any way I can, and will be here if she needs me to take care of the baby while she goes to school. 
They have talked of getting married in the future, but I told them that I didn't want them to feel like they had to now.  After all, this happened to me.  I wasn't as young, but I got pregnant, then married because it was "the right thing to do" and guess what?  It didn't work out so well.
This is not something we ever expected, but it has happened, and now all we can do is press on. We want to do as much as we can to help them be successful! 
Not one of us is perfect, we are stubborn, we sin, we mess up, but just as God has given us mercy and grace, we are showing that to our daughter.  Psalm 86:15 says, " But you, O Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness." NIV
I pray that others will show them compassion as well.  As Jesus said in John 8:7 "“If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her.”

What are you struggling with?  If I can pray for you about something in particular, please feel free to email me.  I started this blog to inspire others, and I will pray for you, or give you my unprofessional opinion if you'd like.  :) 

Meanwhile, here is a picture of my beautiful daughter and her handsome boyfriend Paul.  Please keep them in your prayers. 

Monday, January 30, 2012

It was such a beautiful day!  The sun was shining, and I just felt blessed.  I was driving home after talking with a friend about some struggles she was having with her marriage, and it just made me thankful for what I have. 
I was scheming, trying to figure out if I might be able to whisk my husband away for the weekend.  It was Friday, so I texted him to ask if he had to work Saturday. 
We'd been so busy lately, that we were both feeling a little disconnected. Not to mention exhausted!  If nothing else, maybe we could go to House of Flavors in Ludington for dinner.  Nice little road trip, and favorite place to eat (dessert).
He did not have to work, but had commitments at church on Sunday morning.  So this was not going to be a sneak attack for the entire weekend.  I had to talk it over with him.  Our son had hockey (two home games), and Dad was going to have to miss the game on Sunday, so he didn't want to miss Saturdays game too. 
I checked around a bit, and found an affordable room with a hot tub for one night.  We made it in time to eat at House of Flavors, then checked into our room and just relaxed. As all of my tension drifted away in the hot tub, I drifted off to sleep.  Oops. 
We even slept until around 9 A.M. and got a late checkout time (1pm)
I felt so relaxed and refreshed!  We had some much needed conversation, and time to just look into each others eyes and hearts.  Unlike the usual two ships passing in the night busyness at home.
We stopped at a nice little Cafe for lunch on our way, and made it to our sons hockey game in plenty of time on Saturday. 
Thank God for the time of rejuvenation that we had, because we had no idea the NEWS that was waiting for us when we got home! 
I am so grateful for the husband that I have and the marriage that I have.  By no means is it perfect, we've had plenty of struggles.  Without God being at the center of our relationship, I honestly don't know that we'd have made it this far. 
How often do you get away with your mate? Just the two of you, for a date night, or a weekend?
Have you ever gone to a Family Life Marriage Conference (Weekend to Remember)?  Find out more at www.familylife.com/groups/fremontwesleyan (use this link to register for the group rate.)

I will be sharing some date night ideas on another post within a day or two.  Comment here or on my facebook to share your ideas with us.  How do you rekindle the flame in your marriage? Do you have regular date nights?  Favorite places to go, or things to do?
Also, be sure to check back to find out the NEWS that was waiting for us. 

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

I've been so excited!  I was asked to be a mentor at the Alpha Family Center a couple of weeks ago.  I went and talked to the Director, filled out my application and ...

I haven't been back.

Last Thursday was going to be my first day, but then we had a snow day, and the center was closed as well.  Ok, let's try this again.  This week Wednesday should work. 

My daughter texted me last night from my son's hockey practice and said Mom, I think I have hives!  When she got home, I talked to her about going to the Emergency Room, but she thought she would be fine with just some Benadryl.  This morning we decided that she should go to the Dr. and find out what was going on.  I could not get her in until 10:45, so guess what? 
I had to call the Director at AFC and explain that I couldn't be in today. 

So often my day does not go as planned.  It's easy to get frustrated when you're excited to go do something, or even when you just had your own agenda for the day, and it's interrupted.  I'm learning to live with interruptions, which is hard for a wannabe perfectionist, and my (self diagnosed) adhd brain  Often it's little things, but an hour of my time feels like so much some days.  Do you ever feel this way?

I think the most important thing we can do is start our day asking God to plan our day.  "Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and He will establish your plans" Proverbs 16:3 NIV  Pray over your to do list.  Ask Him to change your heart and give you the right attitude, to be aware of his purpose and plan for your day and of those who may need you.  Not to see it as an interruption, but a blessing!

I am so blessed and grateful to be a stay at home Mom who is able to be "on call" for my children, friends and family.  I love being able to drive my Mom to the Dr. when she needs me, or if she calls and asks me if I can come and pick her up because her truck is being fixed, and it's going to take a while.  That means we can visit over coffee, or go have lunch and spend precious rare time together.
I love being here to serve my husband and children, even when that sometimes means my plans are changed.  After all, it isn't all about me, and they are only here for a little while.  Sometimes they just may need me to interrupt their day and take them out of school for lunch.  Or surprise my husband when he's working out of town with a visit and a hotel room with a hot tub.  The interruptions in life are often the moments we will remember the most.

My prayer for you today is this "May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed" Psalm 20:4




Monday, January 23, 2012

I love Snow Days!  Today we got an unexpected day off school.  I'm not sure what you would call it... it wasn't snow, but rain, and a thunderstorm, and 40 degree temperatures! Yes, in January!  Hey, this is Michigan.  If you don't like the weather, just stick around, it will change.  ha ha The problem was the rain on top of snow and ice that we already had, making road conditions horrible. 

Regardless of how or why, I enjoy days like this.  Not so I can crawl back in bed, although I could have, but I was wide awake after getting up with my hubby to make his lunch and see him off to work.  I enjoy the fact that when my children don't have school, I don't have work, thus my entire day usually opens up.  I can stay in my pj's or dress comfortably and not have to leave the house.  I can spend the day baking, and listening to my children laugh.  We can cuddle up in a blanket and watch as many 7th Heaven DVDs as we want. 

This day in particular was nice, because most of the housework was done.  I did some dishes and a quick tidy this morning and spent most of the day baking, and reading and learning about this blogging world. 

I baked chocolate chip cookies, and banana walnut bread.  I love to bake, and I love Paula Deen and Trisha Yearwood cookbooks.  Have you checked out Paula Deen's Southern Cooking Bible?  How about Trisha's Georgia Cooking in an Oklahoma Kitchen cookbook? They're both favorites of mine!

So, what do you do on snow days?  I remember when I was younger, one time we had like two weeks off from school due to winter weather, and no electricity.   It was probably not so fun to my parents, but I enjoyed the candle light, and board games, and sitting by the wood stove to stay warm.   Good times, Good Memories! 

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Turn left, Turn left my Navigator kept telling me as I passed one road and then the next.  My husband had already told me how to get to the hockey rink, but I like to use the Navigator as a back up. Since I wasn't going the way it thought I should go, it kept trying to get me back on track, and then Rerouting my directions. 

Isn't that just like God?  How many times do we get off track, and he tries to tell us we are going the wrong way?  Turn here while you still can, get back on track, take this road.  We hear Him whispering to us, yet we often continue down the wrong path, doing our own thing.

I have found myself on that wrong road many times in life.  I think I know what's best, or become impatient waiting for God's direction.  Let's face it, sometimes I know I'm on the wrong path, and I do it anyways. I have followed the stubbornness of my own heart, I've been selfish, prideful and rebellious.  Jeremiah 13:10 says, "  These wicked people, who refuse to listen to my words, who follow the stubbornness of their hearts and go after other gods to serve and worship them, will be like this belt—completely useless!" NIV

I don't know about you, but I don't want to be useless.  I don't want to go down a dead end road, or end up lost.  Too many wrong turns, and not following God's direction will not take me where I want to go.  I want to follow His plan for my life. 

It is not always easy, but no one ever said it would be.  "But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it." Matthew 7:14 NIV 

Thank God for His whispers, for helping me to find my way back when I take the wrong way, and for his forgiveness.  "As far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us" Psalm 103:12 NIV  I am thankful for His forgiveness, and that even when I mess up, I am forgiven.  As Jesus said to the woman in Luke 7:48, "your sins are forgiven" NIV.  However, he does not expect us to continue in a life of sin, as he says to the woman in John 8: 11 "Go now and leave your life of sin."

Where are you at today? Are you following God's direction, his navigator for your life? Are you heading down the wrong road, a path of destruction that only leads to hell?  If you do not know Him, feel free to email me privately.  I would love to help you find your way. 

"Blessed are they whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered. Blessed is the man whose sin the Lord will never count against him."  Romans 4:7&8

"God whispers in your soul and speaks to your mind.  Sometimes when you don't have time to listen He has to throw a brick at you.  It's your choice: Listen to the whisper or wait for the brick." ~ Author Unknown

Find me on facebook at http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Latte-Blessings/303803836335198
Like my page so you don't miss future posts. 

My blog is pretty new, so I appreciate your support! 


Saturday, January 21, 2012

Do you make New Year's Resolutions?  I don't really make resolutions, but I always have goals and dreams floating around in my head.  This year, on New Years day, I was making lists.  A list of books I must read this year, a list of goals, and things to change.  One of those was to start this blog.  I have dreamed of writing books, and blogging for years. So, I'm excited!  This blog is still a work in progress, but here it is.  The result of a dream, and setting a goal to make it happen.

I was thrilled that a couple of books on my must read list were listed with Proverbs 31 Ministries as Online Bible studies starting in January.  Another one on my favorite authors, Jill Savage of Hearts at Home was beginning a study of her book Real Moms... Real Jesus on facebook. 

I started two of the studies beginning Jan. 9th, and a 3rd that began Jan. 15th.  I soon began to realize the one I needed the most was Made to Crave.  I also realized that I have limits, and I could not keep up with all three studies.  So, yesterday, I made the hard decision to put the other two on hold for now.

Those other two books are still on my Must Read list for this year, but as Ecclesiastes 3:1 says, "There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens" NIV.

It is healthy to set boundaries!  I am a person who tends to over commit, and then become overwhelmed. 

It is better to do one thing well, than to try to do too many and feel bad because I can't keep up.

How about you? Are you over committed?  Do you need to set some healthy boundaries for yourself? Maybe it's time you look at your schedule and let some things go.  Stop saying yes to everyone else, and say YES to yourself, your family, your peace of mind, and to more time for a relationship with God. 
What are your dreams and goals? What are you passionate about?  Are the things you are pursuing in line with those things?
I'm not suggesting you just drop everything.  Please follow through on your commitments, but reconsider before taking on anymore. 
I would love to hear from you!  Post a comment and let me know if you made resolutions or goals, and how you're doing.   


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