Saturday, March 3, 2012


I read this article this morning and thought it was so precious!  This couple answers questions about how they've made it this far.  I hope that you will click on the link and read it.  Very inspiring!

My husband and I have been married almost 20 years.  Not nearly as long as this couple, but we have learned several important factors in making our marriage work.

First of all, a relationship with God is key!  We went to our first marriage conference after about 6 years of marriage.  I grew up in church, but as an adult, I wasn't living as a Christian until the year before our first conference.  My husband had only been to church a few times as a child. 

We had different values and different backgrounds, which made for a pretty tough marriage.  In 1997, we began attending church, and I recommitted my life to Christ, and my hubby was saved. 

When we attended that Family Life Weekend to Remember in 1998, it was like a breath of fresh air!  It affirmed what we'd been doing right, and at the same time we learned where we needed to make changes.

I learned that submission did not mean that I was a doormat, which is how I perceived it growing up. I began to long for my husband to become the leader of our home.  A great book on this topic if you can find it is Rocking the Roles by Robert Lewis. 

I like how this years speaker explained it.  Using 4 quarters and a dollar bill, she said that we each have different roles, but the same value.  4 Quarters = One dollar.         

We learned that the worlds plan (you do your part, I'll do mine 50/50) does not work.  We must both be willing to give 110%. 

One of the biggest things is "your mate is not your enemy".  My husband has used that one on me a few times when I'm mad. 

Your husband is God's gift to you.  Really!  Have you ever thought of it that way?  God picked your spouse for you!  He uses our differences and weaknesses to build oneness.  You must receive your husband or wife as God's gift made personally for you.

After a few years and a little coaxing, my hubby began to pray with me in the mornings before he left for work. This has become a part of our daily routine now, and it is such a blessing.  It doesn't have to take a lot of time, and it could be done at night as well.  I would highly recommend asking your husband to pray with you. 

During the next week, I will be sharing more about what has helped our marriage go the distance. 
Opening your heart
and more... 

Make sure you come back and read more on these topics. 

Meanwhile, I'd love to know more about you!  How long have you been married?  What tips do you have for others?  What questions would you like help answering?  Comment here, or email me privately at





  1. This is great. We just celebrated with my husband's grandparents yesterday for their 70th wedding anniversary! Such a great example of love and respecting each other's roles.

    1. That is wonderful Karen! What a blessing to have such a legacy.


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