It isn't often that I get sick, and I usually bounce back pretty quickly, but not this time. Maybe it has to do with reaching the age of 40 this past October. It seems as if this milestone came with a lot of changes, even in the year leading up to the big 4-0.
Some good changes, but some not so good. I'll write about that another time.
Today, I want to remind you to take care of yourself. Yes, YOU! It is easy as a Mom to take care of everyone else and just get by ourselves. We make sure our children take their vitamins and encourage them to eat healthy, drink more water, exercise, etc... But are we doing those things ourselves? After all, children learn what they live.
I know the things I should be doing, like taking a multi-vitamin, but I forget to actually do it. I have them in my cupboard, and I've been good at reminding my pregnant daughter to take hers, so why don't I?
Being sick for the last week or so, I've gotten plenty of rest. I have no choice, I felt weak, and tired and just didn't have the energy to do anything. The first day I realized I was coming down with something was a Friday, and I slept almost all day!
I know that I don't get enough sleep most of the time. I get up early (between 5-6 a.m.) with my hubby and make his lunch, get him something for breakfast, and after we pray together, and he leaves for work, it's time to make my coffee and get my shower, or wake up the girls, and the day goes on from there. Occasionally I take a nap, but when I do, I just end up staying up later at night. Too late!
It is recommended that we get 7-9 hours of sleep per night. I hate to admit that most nights, I get about 5-6. I always want to check facebook or play on Pinterest before I go to bed. Bad idea!
I've read that we should not do those things for at least 1/2 hr. before bed.
I've also read that our bedroom should be completely dark. Hmm... I've got a light on my printer, my computer, and my phone is plugged in next to my bed, and if I receive a text, etc... it will blink all night (or until I check it if I hear or see it)
While I could almost write a whole post about sleep, I'll save that for another time. What about you? Are you getting enough rest? What could you change so that you can sleep 7-9 hours per night?
I am so thankful to have a husband who is an amazing cook, but he has been working a lot of overtime lately. So, I either forced myself to make something easy, or we (ahem, cough)... ate fast food. A better solution would have been to have some meals made ahead in my freezer. Maybe next time... well, I hope there is no next time. On another note, my girls are old enough that they should learn to cook more too.
Last but not least: Drink plenty of water. Not only when you're sick, but always! Thankfully, I've recently made the decision to cut pop from my diet. Not an easy task when most days my beverages consist of a latte, pop and coffee. (I do usually drink milk with dinner though). Cutting pop out has helped me to start drinking more water. I usually buy water bottles from Sam's Club and keep them in our porch. That works really nice in the winter to keep them cold (if not frozen).
I'm still working on increasing my water intake.
I had arranged for a sub crossing guard some this past week, and on Thursday I woke up feeling quite a bit better. My first thought was I should get out of the house and go shopping or something since I have the day off. That didn't end up working out, but I did schedule a haircut. After looking at the grey peeking through and the bed head hair all while I was sick, I couldn't handle it anymore. I got my hair cut and scheduled my color for the next day! (I'll post pictures later)
Then I thought what the heck... I need some pampering, so after getting my hair done, I went for a pedicure. Ahh... no more bare toes. I don't care if it's February and I can't wear flip flops, the sun was shining, and it felt good to be out of bed and recovering! I even got a pretty new spring color! One of my favorites! Pink!
While she was doing my toes, she talked me into trying a Shellac manicure. I use to have acrylic nails and loved it, but I hate what it does to my nails. Shellac is a nail polish that lasts 14 days and doesn't damage your nail. It goes on your own real nail, and only has to be soaked about 5 minutes when taken off. No grinding, etc... So far, I love it! I'll let you know when 14 days is up how I liked it in the end.
While I don't enjoy being sick, it's been kind of relaxing. I caught up on some much needed rest. You learn what your limits are, and get back to basics, or less than basics if necessary. It is easier at this point in life now that my children are 12 and older, and one can drive.
We enjoyed a nice dinner at Texas Roadhouse Thursday night. Saturday, Noah had hockey, and then Rusty took the boys to a Red Wings/Fury alumni hockey game. Brooke and I went to the mall for a little retail therapy, while Brittany was at a friends house overnight.
I'm glad to be at the end of this crud, whatever is going around. My poor hubby and son have it now, so we're staying home today. No hockey, no church, nothing. Looks like I'll be cooking. I'm thinking some of that homemade chicken noodle soup might be on today's menu.
Remember Moms, you are not superwoman! As much as we try, we do need rest, vitamins, proper nutrition, lots of water and enough sleep! Take care of you so that you can take care of your family!
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