Monday, February 20, 2012

TGIF?  Sleeping in?   What's that? Our weekends are usually a flurry of activity. Traveling back and forth to my son's hockey games, or some kind of meeting for something we've volunteered for, and church stuff on Sundays (when we aren't at a game). While Sunday should be a day of rest, it never really feels like that to me.

My wonderful husband let me sleep in this Sunday. I actually got 8 hours of sleep!

We had hockey tournaments this weekend, but didn't do well enough to make it to semi finals, so we didn't end up playing Sunday.

He had to work all weekend.  I normally get up and make his lunch and get him breakfast before he leaves, but he said I was sleeping so well, (ie. snoring, but lets blame that on me being sick) that he didn't want to wake me up. He knew I needed it. What a great guy!
In the past, I've worked retail part time, and Friday never really meant a weekend off for me.   

My current "work" schedule is only school days, about 1/2 hr before and after school.  It really doesn't feel like work, and I enjoy it. 



So, why do I love Mondays?  It feels like a fresh start!  The beginning of a new week, which sometimes means a less busy calendar. 

After all weekend of being busy, Monday seems calm!  It's a day that I don't usually plan anything outside of the home if I can help it.  It's my day to catch up on housework after our whirlwind weekends.  The kids are back in school, hubby at work, and I can get back to my routine. 

Well, if you'd call it a routine.  Things are always changing and constantly busy in our ever growing family, but I enjoy it (usually).  I love being available to serve my family by taking care of things on the home front.

It's an ongoing process, but I'm always trying to improve how I run things at home.  A year ago, I was blessed to be able to quit my part time job, which enables me to implement some new ideas and start working on things that I didn't have time for before. 

I finally found a good system for keeping track of bills, recipes, etc....  I've started using 3 ring binders with page protectors for many of those things. 
I've decluttered a lot, but that seems like a never ending process.  I dislike very much having yard sales, so I usually box stuff up and take to a charity or pass it along to someone who could use it.  I like to get it out of the house as soon as possible as I just don't have space to store boxes, and until it's out of the house, it drives me crazy.   

I also hung a shoe organizer inside of our closet to hold winter hats, gloves, etc...  That is one of the best things I've ever done!  No more searching through the basket in the closet to find a matching glove. 

It's the little things that make me happy!

I will try to post pictures tomorrow of the closet organizer idea. 

Please share in the comment section any ideas you've found for organizing.
AND what is your best day of the week?





  1. I like Mondays also. They are relaxing and I can back to routine. Hope you get well soon.

  2. I am so doing the shoe organizer for winter stuff. Awesome idea, thanks!


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