Saturday, June 2, 2012

Wow, it has been a long time since I've written a blog!  I apologize, and hope I haven't lost any readers.  Life has been crazy!  There are many changes taking place in our family, and some of that requires a lot of adjustment, settling into new routines, or in some cases, not adjusting very well.  (that's another story that I'll save for another post). 

Today, I will just catch you up a little bit on what's going on around here. 

I loved that warm weather we had in March!  My hubby and I went to Ludington for a day and were able to enjoy a walk along Lake MI.  It was 72 degrees here in MI, if you can believe it!

From the looks of the footprints already there, we weren't the only ones!  I can't wait until it starts staying warm consistently, and school is out so we can enjoy more time at the beach!  

Other than that, I got on a decluttering kick when I was invited to an online resale site for our area.  I started going through the attic space, pulling out things that I hadn't used in a while, including a brand new sewing machine, still in the box (I always meant to learn how to use it, but...).  That's one way to get rid of that guilt!  :)  I found many other things that we'd outgrown or no longer used.  We made quite a bit of money listing and selling.  If you have one of these in your area, I'd highly recommend it.  You just take pictures, upload them, with your price and description, and wait for someone to say they want it.  Then you make arrangements for a time and place for pickup and they pay you.  There are rules, of course, which help make it run smoothly.  Overall, it's a pleasant experience, and I like it better than ebay.  It's definitely better than a yard sale in my opinion, because I can do a little bit at a time, and I don't have to sit home all day waiting for the right person to come along to give me 50 cents for an item.  Our resale site is open to anyone in our whole county, and you get good prices for things. 

I must admit, after a lot of decluttering, I started buying baby stuff like crazy!  After all, I have 2 new grandblessings due this year.  (One born, one to go now)  We also found a great deal on a laptop on the site, which has been a blessing to my daughter. 

Brooke has decided to withdraw from public school and do online classes.  She hopes to work ahead and be done before her baby is due Sept. 28th. Meanwhile, she has also started two part time jobs, one at a missions/thrift store, and another temporary babysitting job.  Those are keeping her busy at the moment, along with ob appointments, and other things.  I'm really proud of the young lady that she is becoming, as I watch her prepare for Motherhood. 
For those who want to know, she found out that she is having a GIRL! 

Meanwhile, my oldest son and his wife had their baby!  This is such an exciting time for us as our family grows! 

Notice the mistake the hospital made on this announcement? 

Now let me introduce you to my new, adorable little Grandson, Wyatt! 

Is he cute or what?  It's amazing how a Grandchild feels like such an extension of yourself.  Such a great blessing from the Lord, and how so much love pours out from us when we see them, hold them, and love on them. 

So, have you guessed what the mistake is on the birth announcement?  If I haven't already told you, leave a comment here on my blog, and I'll have a little prize for the winner.  How does a Starbucks gift card sound?  Hurry!

I also invite you to follow me on Pinterest if you haven't already.  Share your name with me, and I'll follow you back. 



  1. Great catching up tammy, congratulations on baby wyatt who looks so newborn he couldnt possibly have been born in 2010. Also such excitement with the baby girl. Enjoy all those sweet moments.

  2. Yes Carrie
    Please send me your full name, and mailing address so I can mail your gift! :) Good job!
    2010 haha

    My email address is

  3. Yay! Thanks! And welcome back. :)


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