I'd love to hear your thoughts on my new web design. Leave me a comment and let me know what you think.
Anyone who leaves a comment will be entered in a drawing for a Starbucks or Bath and Body gift card.
If you share this with your friends on facebook, they can enter too, and I will give you another entry. Let me know if you share it. That's two chances for you to win. :) Contest ends at midnight tonight. I will announce the winner tomorrow.
If you're new here, become a follower here with Google followers, my facebook page http://www.facebook.com/pages/Latte-Blessings/303803836335198
or by email, and leave a comment to let me know. I'll enter you in the contest for that too. :)
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Monday, June 18, 2012
We had a great celebration for Father's Day yesterday. I took my hubby out to breakfast at a local restaurant before church. Unfortunately, we did not make it to church. The place was packed, and it took at least half an hour to get our food. By the time we were served and finished eating, it was about half an hour past time for church, so we went to the store to get stuff for our cookout.
We came home and the kids and I gave him our cards and gifts, and then he and I cuddled up and took a little nap on the couch. Later, we did a little cleaning, and cooking/preparation for the dinner.
We boiled chicken, marinated the ribs with a Paula Deen dry rub, and later started them in the crock pot before moving to the grill.
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Several years ago, with the whole Y2K scare, I began having panic attacks and anxiety. I was pregnant with my youngest child, and I was reading a book that I'd bought from a Christian bookstore. I was worried about having a baby and what would happen. Would we be able to feed him and take care of our other children? Would we be safe? I wanted to be prepared.
The book I was reading turned out to be one of those doomsday type things, and my husband told me to stop reading it. (I listened, and ended up burning it... didn't want anyone else to read it either) :)
I had grown up in church, and was saved, but didn't really understand what it meant to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ until just a few years before this. I was however, leading a small Bible study with a few close friends in my home. One of my friends gave me the verse from Luke 22: 31&32
I had always thought of myself as a "good Christian girl", but I have to admit, I was kind of a judgmental person. My sin was pride.
You know the saying, "pride comes before the fall?"
There are still times that my spiritual life feels about as dry as the dessert, and I think where are you God? He feels so far away in this time of drought. But it isn't Him, it is me. God gives us grace, and He forgives our sin, but sometimes the consequences of those sins and our rebellion last forever.
What about you my friend? What road are you on? Is your spiritual well dry? Are you looking for an escape? The world offers many ways to escape. Careers, busyness, our children, alcohol or drugs, pornography, steamy romance novels, soap operas, emotional affairs, shopping, adultery, or even church or community work. Are you trying to fill a void in your life with the wrong things?
If you are on the narrow road, what do you need to do to stay on it? Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. (Mark 14:38)
No matter what road you are on now, or what you've done, it isn't too late to turn back. There is nothing we can do to deserve God's love, and nothing we can do to lessen it! He loves you, right where you are! He is waiting to forgive you. Just confess your sin to him and receive His forgiveness.
Commit to follow Him.
Read your Bible. The Psalms are a great place to start, or if you don't know Him, maybe start with Matthew, Mark, Luke and John in the New Testament.
God's grace is sufficient for you (2 Cor. 12:9)
I would love to pray with you, or for you. Feel free to send me a personal email at tshineldecker@gmail.com
P.S. Watch for my new blog design, coming soon!
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Wow, it has been a long time since I've written a blog! I apologize, and hope I haven't lost any readers. Life has been crazy! There are many changes taking place in our family, and some of that requires a lot of adjustment, settling into new routines, or in some cases, not adjusting very well. (that's another story that I'll save for another post).
Today, I will just catch you up a little bit on what's going on around here.
I loved that warm weather we had in March! My hubby and I went to Ludington for a day and were able to enjoy a walk along Lake MI. It was 72 degrees here in MI, if you can believe it!